Hengameh Ghaziyani

Ey Jan-e Janan (ای جان جانان) is one of Hengameh Ghaziyani‘s most popular songs, which she sang in 2010 as a single. The song is a duet with Shoura Karimi, another Iranian singer who is also her husband. The song is about a couple who are deeply in love with each other, but they are facing some difficulties and challenges in their relationship. They express their feelings and devotion to each other, and they say that they will never let go of each other, no matter what happens. They call each other “Ey Jan e Janan”, which means “Oh Beloved of My Soul”, and they say that they are each other’s “Dard o Darmân”, which means “Pain and Cure”.

Ey Jan-e Janan is very romantic and passionate, and it showcases the harmony and chemistry between Hengameh Ghaziyani and Shoura Karimi. The lyrics are poetic and beautiful, and they use many Persian expressions and idioms. For example, they say that they are “Virân Khâham Shod Âsân”, which means “I Will Easily Become Ruined”, to show how much they depend on each other. They also say that they will not say “Naro”, which means “Go Away”, even if they know that they will suffer without each other.

The song has a video clip that Amir Taherian directed it. The video shows Hengameh Ghaziyani and Shoura Karimi singing in different locations, such as a forest, a beach, a city, and a studio. The video also uses some symbolic elements, such as a flower that represents their love, a fish that represents their tears, and a rain that represents their sorrow.

About the Singer of ey jan-e janan

Hengameh Ghaziyani is a famous Iranian singer who started her career in 2003 with the album Ghasam Mikhoram (قسم میخورم), which means “I Swear”. She is known for her powerful and emotional voice, and her songs are mostly in the genres of pop, rock, and ballad. She has released six albums and many singles, and she has won several awards and nominations for her music.

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