Podcasts are a great way to improve your language skills by exposing you to authentic and diverse input. That’s why I created Persian Podcast for you. But language learning is not only about grammar and vocabulary. It’s also about exploring the culture, society, customs, beliefs, and many other aspects of the people who speak that language.

As a learner of Persian, you might be curious about Iran and its people. In this section, I share with you my perspective as a woman living in a Middle Eastern culture. I talk about Iranian history, geography, culture, outlooks, behaviors, religion, beliefs, political issues, social considerations, and many other controversial topics. Therefore, I use simple Persian language, explain difficult words, speak slowly and clearly, and help you to understand easily.

At the end of each podcast, you will find a transcription with two useful resources: the meaning of the bold-faced words, which are usually the ones that I think you might not know, and some questions to test your listening comprehension. Don’t worry if you can’t answer all the questions. The goal of Persian Podcast is to check your general understanding. The more you listen, the more questions you will be able to answer. Keep listening and trust me, this is THE best way to learn Persian language.