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Masal is one of the northern cities of Iran in Gilan Province. This region is known for its pristine nature and its proximity to beautiful recreational areas such as "Oloseblangah". The area is one of the main destinations for Iranian and non-Iranian travelers.

In this video, we go to the city of Masal and walk together in a region called The Green Roof to see its nature and learn Persian.

Masal is one of the northern cities of Iran in Gilan Province. This region is famousfor its pristine nature and its proximity to beautiful recreational areas such as “Oloseblangah”. The area is one of the main destinations for Iranian and non-Iranian travelers.

It is the lost heaven in Gilan and its lush and green nature, temperate climate, and eye-catching landscape proves that this name is completely suitable for Masal village. 

If you are tired of urban life and populated cities full of cars and people, and regular jobs for weeks after weeks, Masal village can be the best option for you to feel peace of mind for a few days. You can see anything that makes you love rural life in Masal village.

Masal has another name among Iranians: the “City of Clouds”. The reason is the amazing phenomenon of the cloud ocean that covers the city in some seasons.

People in the north of Iran, don’t speak Farsi. Their mother language is Gilaki, referring to the province of Gilan. It is among Iranian language. One of its specific differences from Farsi or Persian language is that the word order of nouna and adjectives is A+N. That is first you use an adjective and then the noun. In this case, we can say it is the same as the English language.

However, all people in this area can speak Persian language, because education at schools is in Persian. Besides, it is a prestigious language, and many people, especially youth and teenagers prefer to speak Farsi over Gilaki. Don’t forget that Farsi is another name for Persian.

Persian or Farsi?

Although once Persian referred both to the language and the geography of Great Iran, today Persian is a cover term for those languages in Iran, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan. In Iran, the dialect of Persian which is spoken is called Farsi, the one in Tajikistan is called Tajik or Tojik and in Afghanistan it is Dari. So the version of Persian that you learn here with me is Farsi, the one spoken in Iran.

Walk with me to the beautiful nature of Masal and learn Persian language (or Farsi) and beyond.

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