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Well, we have been visiting Golestan Palace for the last three weeks. Let’s finish it today and go for other videos. In this video, you will see real pictures of Naserreddin Shah, and also some other gifts from Queen Victoria to Naser.

You will also see the king’s tombstone, which was going to be destroyed forever by the revolutionists in 1979 and 1980 but was saved by the archaeologists. Visit the palace would definitely take much longer, here you just saw a gist. However, I have noticed that most people are not fun of history, and if they are going to be tourists, they prefer to be social tourists, not classical who usually seek the history of the countries.

I believe history is us, we people. Since we Iranian are trying to make changes, we need to know who we were and why we are standing here. And if you are learning Persian or you are a fan of Iran, Eastern countries, the culture, and whatsoever, you have to know why we are what you see now. We have to accept that changes must be fundamental, starting from the roots… Please make sure you subscribe here, to support me and to never miss a video.

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To visit Iranian people and learn about their culture and nature follow THIS LINK.

To learn Persian grammar, here you can find lessons on Persian Grammar.

Are you interested in learning Persian with music, HERE is where you can find many slow Persian songs with their lyrics.

Practice Dubbing the characters in Persian series HERE.

Listen to famous speeches from Iranian political figures, and learn about their mindset and a little bit of history through their talk HERE.

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