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Hassan Ayat was an Iranian politician. He played a prominent role in the Iranian Revolution and the early years of the Islamic Republic. Hassan was a member of the Parliament of Iran and the Assembly of Experts for Constitution. He was also a journalist, a lawyer, and a supporter of the Islamic Republican Party. Ayat was assassinated by the People’s Mujahedin of Iran in 1981.

Hassan was born on 24 June 1938 in Najafabad, Isfahan. He studied law at the University of Tehran and worked as a reporter for Ettela’at, a leading newspaper. He was also a member of the Toilers Party, a leftist party that opposed the monarchy of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi.

Hassan Ayat joined the opposition to the Shah in the 1960s and became a follower of Ayatollah Khomeini. The Shah’s regime arrested him several times and he spent some time in exile in Iraq and Turkey. Mr. Ayat returned to Iran after the revolution in 1979. Soon later he became one of the founding members of the Islamic Republican Party, a conservative party that supported Khomeini’s vision of an Islamic state.

Ayat was a member of the Assembly of Experts for Constitution. This is a body that drafted the new constitution of Iran. He was also a member of the Parliament of Iran from Tehran. Hassan was one of the main leaders in impeaching President Abolhassan Banisadr. Some politicians accused Banisadr of being a traitor and a puppet of the West. He also supported Iran’s nuclear program and its involvement in regional conflicts.

He was killed on 5 August 1981 by two gunmen who shot him in front of his house. The People’s Mujahedin of Iran, an armed opposition group that opposed Khomeini’s regime, claimed responsibility for his assassination. Hassan Ayat was a martyr by his supporters and a terrorist by his opponents. His grave is in Behesht-e Zahra cemetery in Tehran.

As an Iranian politician, it is definitely worth listening to all those claims, goals, motos, and whatsoever, that ended in a suspicious death. Let’s listen to his talk in the formal and revolutionary Persian language and learn Persian and beyond.

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To learn Persian grammar, here you can find lessons on Persian Grammar.

Are you interested in learning Persian with music, HERE is where you can find many slow Persian songs with their lyrics.

Practice Dubbing the characters in Persian series HERE.

Listen to famous speeches from Iranian political figures, and learn about their mindset and a little bit of history through their talk HERE.

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