woman, life, freedom: a woman standing on a car and confronting the government's army

This Persian Podcast, Woman-life-freedom, is the voice of my heart. Today, the eighth of March is International Women’s Day. A day that is not celebrated in my country, Iran, because the government has introduced a religious day, which is the birthday of a Muslim woman, as Women’s Day, and we have National Women’s Day. In the middle of all the issues that have arisen, I stand by the respect of women and prepare this podcast for you to see what a woman is in Iran! And not who!! From the first day of the first podcast, I told you that I want you to see the world from the eyes of an Iranian, a Middle Easterner, and most importantly, a woman. Here you can see and hear the traditional meaning of Iranian women.

I don’t know where you live and how you live. I don’t know the position of women and their freedom in your country. But if you study Persian language (also called Farsi language) and value humanity, you should listen to this podcast.

What is Woman-Life-Freedom Movement

Here I will tell you what is the movement of women, life, and freedom. Where did it start and why did the Iranians of other countries become so restless and start various demonstrations and protests?

I am telling my stories and experiences as an Iranian woman. From the anger that has filled all our cells and from the will we have for change. But to examine these issues, we stay at this historical moment and do not go back too far so as not to be misled. Here you hear about the meaning of proper clothes in my country. You will feel the humiliations and insults we endure because of our clothing. Here you hear about death, rape, murder, and imprisonment for one crime, for the crime of being a woman. It is bitter but full of hope for the future. A future that has sprouted and continues to grow with hope. In the name and respect of women, life, freedom!

We hear about the challenges that led to the woman-life-freedom movement! But what are the challenges that Iranian women face today? How do they resist and fight for their rights? How do they cope with discrimination and oppression? And how can learning Persian language help you understand their struggles better?
In this podcast, I will also share with you some facts and figures about women’s rights in Iran, based on reliable sources and reports. You will learn about the legal system that restricts women’s autonomy and equality in various aspects of life, such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, education, employment, travel, and political participation. You will also learn about the social norms and cultural values that shape women’s roles and expectations in Iranian society.

But more importantly, you will hear the voices of Iranian women themselves in Persian language. You will hear their stories of courage, resilience, creativity, and solidarity. Also, you will hear how they use different forms of expression and activism to challenge the status quo and demand change. You will hear how they use art, literature, music, sports, journalism, social media, civil disobedience, street protests, and legal campaigns to raise awareness and advocate for their rights.

Why woman-life-freedom in Persiancampu

Learning Persian language with me in Persian campus can help you connect with these women on a deeper level. Learning Persian can enrich your knowledge and appreciation of their culture and history. Knowing Persian language can enable you to communicate with them directly. Listen to their perspectives without any filters or biases. Persian language can open new doors for you to explore their diverse realities and aspirations.

This podcast is not only about learning Persian language; it is also about learning Persian culture. It is about learning from Iranian women who are not passive victims but active agents of change. It is about learning with Iranian women who are not isolated but part of a global community of women who share common dreams and struggles.

I hope this podcast will inspire you to learn more about Iranian women’s rights and support their cause, motivate you to learn Persian language and culture with curiosity and respect and make you feel closer to Iranian women as fellow human beings who deserve dignity and freedom.

I also suggest listening to THIS PODCAST about the Hijab and learn how this notion entered Iranians’ lives.

To visit Iranian people and learn about their culture and nature follow THIS LINK.

To learn Persian grammar, here you can find lessons on Persian Grammar.

Are you interested in learning Persian with music, HERE is where you can find many slow Persian songs with their lyrics.

Practice Dubbing the characters in Persian series HERE.

Listen to famous speeches from Iranian political figures, and learn about their mindset and a little bit of history through their talk HERE.

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