Caspian sea

This podcast aims to give you a new perspective on language learning by reviewing language learning methods of Professor Kerashan. Here we understand how many types of language and language learning there are. What should we pay attention to when learning a foreign language? How did foreign language teaching start and what path did it take? Finally, we know Professor Kershan’s theory.

According to linguistic classification and researchers in language teaching, the acquisition and learning of a mother tongue, a second language and a foreign language are different. The mother tongue follows a two-year natural course. If you were born in Korea, your language is most likely Korean, but if you were born in another country, such as Egypt, your language would be Arabic.

Bilingualism and multilingualism are also interesting issues. Here I just mention them and won’t go any further. However, it can be the subject of another podcast, especially since there are many ethnic groups in Iran whose first language or mother tongue is not Persian, but because education in The language of Persian is done in order to have administrative and governmental jobs, they have to speak Persian, they learn it as a second language.

Professor Kershan’s theory, introduced here, is made up of five hypotheses: the use of natural learning methods, appropriate inputs, natural order in learning, mental controller, and affective filter. In this podcast, you will learn what each hypothesis suggests, and you will need to work on which of these hypotheses to learn the language you want, depending on your personality traits. For example, if you need more translation, you should read more text.

The purpose of these podcasts, among others, is to provide you with the appropriate audio input. In order to be able to speak well, you have to hear well. The more, the better.

Sure, I can write a short text about language learning methods and use the keywords you provided. Here is what I came up with:
Language learning methods are different ways of acquiring or improving a language. Language learning methods can vary depending on the goals, preferences, and needs of the learners. Language learning methods can also depend on the availability and accessibility of resources, such as teachers, materials, tools, etc. Language learning methods can be classified into two main categories: formal and informal.

Formal language learning methods are those that involve structured and systematic instruction and assessment, usually in a classroom setting or with a tutor. Formal language learning methods can follow a curriculum or a syllabus that covers the main aspects of the language, such as grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, etc. Formal language learning methods can also use various techniques and activities, such as drills, exercises, tests, games, etc., to reinforce and evaluate the learning outcomes. Formal language learning methods can be effective for learners who need or want a clear and organized guidance and feedback on their progress.

Informal language learning methods are those that involve natural and spontaneous exposure and interaction with the language, usually in a real-life context or with native speakers. Informal language learning methods can include watching movies or TV shows, listening to music or podcasts, reading books or magazines, browsing websites or social media, chatting with friends or strangers, traveling or living abroad, etc. Informal language learning methods can be effective for learners who need or want a flexible and authentic experience and motivation to learn the language.

Persian language is a beautiful and rich language that can be learned by using various formal and informal methods. Persian language is spoken by more than 100 million people in Iran and other countries in the region. Persian language has a long and influential literary tradition that spans over two millennia. Persian language has also influenced and been influenced by other languages and cultures in the region.

Learning Persian language can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience for anyone who is interested in Iran and its culture. Learning Persian language can help you communicate with Iranians and understand their beliefs, values, and customs. Learning Persian language can also help you appreciate the beauty and diversity of Iranian literature, art, music, and cuisine. Learning Persian language can also open up new opportunities for education, work, travel, and friendship. Learning Persian language can also enrich your knowledge and perspective on the world.

To learn Persian language, you can use various formal and informal methods depending on your goals, preferences, and needs. You can use formal methods such as taking a course, hiring a tutor, using a textbook, etc., to learn the basics of the language, such as the alphabet, grammar, vocabulary, etc. You can also use informal methods such as watching Iranian movies or TV shows, listening to Iranian music or podcasts, reading Iranian books or magazines, browsing Iranian websites or social media, chatting with Iranian friends or strangers, traveling or living in Iran, etc., to practice and improve your skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, etc. You can also combine both formal and informal methods to create a balanced and effective learning plan that suits your needs.

To learn Persian grammar, here you can find lessons on Persian Grammar.

Are you interested in learning Persian with music, HERE is where you can find many slow Persian songs with their lyrics.

Practice Dubbing the characters in Persian series HERE.

Listen to famous speeches from Iranian political figures, and learn about their mindset and a little bit of history through their talk HERE

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