Pod Fourteen: Why Persian is the Standard Language of Iran?

Ferdowsi Temple

Among all the languages that are spoken in Iran, from Turkish and Arabic to Balochi, Kurdish, Lori and Gilaki, why Persian is the standard language? Standard language means the main language of a country, which is used for official, administrative and educational conversations. In addition, the standard language can be a mediating language or a language of communication between the people of a country who speak different languages.

The answer to the question ‘Why Persian is the Standard Language of Iran?’ lies in the long and rich history of the Persian language and its role in shaping the culture and identity of Iran and its people. Persian language is one of the oldest Indo-European languages, with a history stretching back to before 500 BCE. It was the language of the Parsa people who ruled Iran between 550 – 330 BCE, known as the Achaemenid Empire. The Persian language had a long history of literature as Middle Persian before Islam, and was the first language in the Muslim world to break through Arabic’s monopoly on writing. Persian calligraphy remains a vibrant art form today.

Persian has been written with a number of different scripts during its history, including Old Persian cuneiform, Middle Persian (Pahlavi) alphabets, and Persian alphabet (a derivative of Arabic script). Today, it is written officially within Iran and Afghanistan in the Persian alphabet, and within Tajikistan in the Tajik alphabet (a derivative of Cyrillic script).

Persian has also been influenced by and influenced many other languages in its region and beyond. It has borrowed many words from Arabic, Turkish, Mongolian, French, English, and other languages. It has also contributed many words to other languages, such as Urdu, Hindi, Turkish, Armenian, Georgian, Kurdish, Pashto, Balochi, and others.

Persian language has also been a vehicle for spreading Iranian culture and civilization to neighboring countries and regions. It was the lingua franca of many dynasties and empires that ruled over parts of Central Asia, South Asia, Caucasus, Anatolia, and Mesopotamia. It was also the language of poetry, mysticism, philosophy, science, art, and diplomacy for many centuries.

Persian language has also been a source of pride and identity for Iranians who have faced many invasions, occupations, and oppressions throughout their history. It has been a symbol of resistance and survival against foreign domination and cultural assimilation. It has also been a medium for expressing their aspirations and values as a nation.

Therefore, learning Persian language is not only learning a means of communication; it is also learning a way of understanding Iran and its people. It is learning about their history and heritage, their culture and creativity, their struggles and achievements. It is learning about their diversity and unity, their complexity and simplicity, their beauty and grace.

Learning Persian language can also help you appreciate the richness and variety of other languages spoken in Iran. You can learn about their origins and influences, their similarities and differences, their challenges and opportunities. You can learn about their speakers and communities, their traditions and customs, and their hopes and dreams.

Learning Persian language can also help you connect with millions of people who speak it as their native or second language in Iran and beyond. You can communicate with them directly and listen to their perspectives without any filters or biases. Besides, you can share your ideas and opinions with them respectfully and constructively. You can build friendships and partnerships with them based on mutual understanding and respect.

This podcast is not only about learning Persian language; it is also about learning Persian culture. It is about learning from Iranian people who have a rich and diverse heritage to offer to the world. It is about learning with Iranian people who have a lot to teach us about life and humanity. Also, It is about learning alongside Iranian people who are part of our global family.

Make sure you don’t miss the podcast on Iranian languages. It will definitely give you a holistic picture of languages spoken in Iran.

To visit Iranian people and learn about their culture and nature follow THIS LINK.

To learn Persian grammar, here you can find lessons on Persian Grammar.

Are you interested in learning Persian with music, HERE is where you can find many slow Persian songs with their lyrics.

Practice Dubbing the characters in Persian series HERE.

Listen to famous speeches from Iranian political figures, and learn about their mindset and a little bit of history through their talk HERE

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